Why do you have so many primitive weapons? Our stunners and plasma rifles are far more efficient.
"True enough, but your stunners and rifles can break down in the wrong kind of environment. With these spears, and things like this bow, all you need is physics, and knowing which direction the sharp end is going." -- Fighting Fit
Everyone knew that the Humans were a little bit strange. If you asked the right ones, they'd confess proudly to being a lottle bit strange. Those Humans are the ones to watch out for. They're either very fun to be around, very dangerous to stand close to, or both.
Human Zek, one of those Humans, never went anywhere without at least one knife. If combat was anticipated, they carried at least two metal blades. Strong, sharp, and generally superfluous.
Zek's most-used blade was part of the omnitool they were also never without. Technology so ancient that many were surprised that it wasn't made of flint.
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