Busy Busy

A 274-post collection

Mor busy

  • Brat run
  • Vinnies run
  • Doctor's appointment

And then I can get on with writing and animating SESP, drawing more SESP, and maybe even having some time to myself to fart around a bit.

I did get as far as some basic calculations using Quicktime and the time stamps and a lot of math. Today, I'll see how well that went.

The process for finding this out is:

  1. Export flash file
  2. Play flash file
  3. If perfect, stop, else goto 4
  4. Scream in anguish
  5. Go back to Adobe Animate
  6. Tweak it
  7. Goto 1

It usually takes several goes to get it right. Also, since I can't stop Rabbit from flailing in mid air during 'falling', I'm going to reduce her size on the end frame so that maybe people won't notice so much.

I have a lot of running to do.

More running around

This time, it's for me. I'm finally checking my blood for all lipids after literal months of procrastination.

Also getting medication.

After that, I have to find out what's happening with the skip, because the one that we got yesterday is already full.

And there's still literal piles of garbage in our yard.

I have no idea what we're going to do about that.

I am whittling down the things we're donating one load at a time during the brat run. If

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Another busy day

Visiting relatives. In an effort to prevent the day-after colliwobbles, I'm packing my own food and drink. Two bottles of filtered water. Two bottles of Keto Sports. Boiled eggs. Cheese. And some chicken if Chaos hasn't devoured it all.

If not, there should be some salami sticks left.

If not that, then I'm just going to have cheese and eggs all firkin day. I'll see what veggies we have and do something with them so I can have fibre. This won't be

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Can I breathe now?

This morning was havok.

I'm still doing Chaos' hair up in a series of chained topsy tails in order to prevent little creatures. And that segmenting, combing, and topsy-ing takes a fair whack out of my warning.

Getting Beloved to help out on a regular day is not exactly effective.

This morning, Mayhem showed me a fuckoff huge hole that he had in his pants. Right in the crotch zone. He'd popped the seam -I'm not asking how- so it was theoretically

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Now I can fill you in

First - I didn't get into the garage, yesterday. Second, I had a SNAFU with the funds.

As not precisely detailed, previously, the money didn't quite come into the bank on time. I believe it made it later on in the night. I had plans to get some boxes to organise the garage contents. And no money.

Fortunately, some investigating revealed the carer's allowance landed in my other bank account and I had plenty enough to get that and have grocery money

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Brief message and an embuggerance

I have to see my shrink today and work out whatever the shit is going wrong with my brain this week. I don't think I'll ever be cured of my anxiety. I'll just find ways around the whole deal.

And speaking of ways around stuff... It turns out that the 2009 print of Steam Powered Giraffe's Album One is still in the no-touchie class of their music because of the recent re-release. It would have been nice to know this in advance.

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I almost forgot to blog here. Can't disappoint my two viewers from a snapshot of my disorganised life.

Yesterday, we packed up and then shifted out a HUGE amount of ex-clothing. From too small, to too large, to just plain too many... we got rid of it all. And it's an immense relief to have that noise the hell out of my house.

Decluttering is hard work for a hoarder. But it also has the benefit of adding a larger fasting window

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I have half an hour...

And 90% of my shit is definitely not done. Thanks to a very busy weekend, there's crap on the counter that should have been put away, stuff that should have been washed, and a fine layer of dust from when I haven't wiped it all down.

And I have half an hour to make a story happen or y'all have to wait until the afternoon.

Thanks to a visit to Mum-in-law, I have asthma creeping up on me. She's very much anti-keto

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I get the kids back today

So that's a long-arse trip there and back with a non-ketogenic lunch from the mum-in-law who just doesn't understand how evil carbs are.

At least we had a nice breakfast.

Owing to a comedy of errors, we didn't have the salmon last night, so I cooked it up this morning. You can check out how it looks over on my Instagram. Delicious. Even though I followed the instructions, the skin didn't turn out crispy at all. Not complaining too hard though.


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I can do this... I think

Friday's a big day for me, now. Huge. Some things have to wait and it's usually the stuff that involves copying and pasting.

Today's agenda:

  • Blog
  • Schedule my Blasts From the Past
  • Instant Story
  • 1000 words for the novel
  • Patreon thing
  • FOUR HOURS OF CLEANING [with potential for more asthma. Huzzah.]

Ever since I let myself relax with WordPress, it's been slightly easier for me, but there's still the guilt if I don't get every little thing done.

And I know I

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Well. That was educational

Drove down towards the more mountainous areas of Brisbane so we could climb some equally mountainous stairs and sign some important documents so we can have an investment property.

With good luck and no further housing bubbles, Beloved and I should never have to go begging to the government for a retirement stipend that nobody could live on anyway. Which is the way the government prefers it.

Giving people a stipend? Pshaw! They could play with that money. Better that older people

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Time is limited. Let's procrastinate!

I have until nine-ish to do as much writing stuff as possible. So of course, I'm distracted by Bunny Bennett's arting this morning and a whole bunch of other random crap. Because time limits make me think of doing anything other than the things I'm meant to do.

Writer stuff I pretty much have to do:

  • This blog (duh)
  • Schedule the next three Blasts From the Past
  • Instant Story
  • 500 words in the novel
  • Find and put up a thing for my
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Hectic PLNs

My car is due for a service, today. BUT, because of scheduling issues and Beloved's workload being THE MOST IMPORTANT THING... it gets convoluted.

  1. Beloved drives my car into the place to get it fixed
  2. Beloved catches usual lift to work
  3. I do the brat run as almost normal, with a borrowed car that I personally hate to drive.
  4. I drive to the place (with lappy on board)
  5. I babysit my car's fixing process
  6. I leave despised car in a parking space
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