Busy Busy

A 281-post collection

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow

So. I took my lappy in for a service, and they have it in the shop for five firkin days. Yesterday, all I had was my iPad to work on. It is not easy to copy/pasta on an iPad so... some shortcuts were had.

The internet got back on, so I caught up a little on my preferred distractions. The great news is that I can get back to my usual bullshit today.

Today... Oof.

Today I woke up at like 3AM. AGAIN. Because anxiety is always a pain in my butt. Today, I plan on catching up with my content creation. Patreon. Wordpress. Some fanfics if I can wrangle them. Two, if I'm especially brilliant.

Before the kids take off, it shall be sit-down and create content.

After the kids take off... I shall notch some boards for the cat container, then take a breather by sitting down to create content. My arms will be soggy noodles by sunset.

THEN I haul my and Mayhem's arse all the way to Brisbane to play some D&D. Which usually means I shall not get to sleep until midnight. Ouch.

It's going to be a long, long, long day. The only way it could get more mentally intensive is if I had to work on a novel as well. With luck, I should be back onto worldbuilding by next week.

With luck, I shall have a kittycat condo and a baby kitty to love, next week. Expect adorable photos somewhere.

If not, expect angst.

Because TOMORROW. Whilst still ratted from D&D, I shall be pushing my floppy arse to do all the things for making the kitty condo. Sawing. Glueing. Nailing. All of that jazz. All. Weekend.

I'm going to be BLASTED. No lie. Lots of hard work ahead for future cherished moggy. Lots of caffeine needed for local tired-arse writer. Speaking of... I need a coffee and my meds.

Round and round I go

Mayhem's back to school after battling off the Lurgi. I need to gather supplies. There's also Patreon Day(tm) in which y'all get to catch up on my shenanigans. Then there's the Instant, the Flash Fanfic, and the (planned) 1K words towards my final goal of a finished novel.

I'm a busy nugget today.

So things might be late. Things might be forgotten. Things might end up dropping off the priority list. I'm trying my best, and my best is all I

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Resuming Production

Turns out, I will literally do anything to avoid attempting to finish up SESP. This includes starting up work on the next episode of Inter-Mission and uploading some more episodes of Oh My Mods.

One day, I gotta make myself finish that thing. If only for the sisu of it.

I am making more eps of everything, though. It's looking like some good streamlining definitely helps with the process of creating Inter-Mission. I'm up to the first musical interlude already. And I

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A Modestly-laid PLN

My car is ready from its rehabilitation, today. This simple O-ring replacement is going to cost over a grand. Ouch.

Like... I have that much squirrelled away, but it's putting a dent in my finances for sure. Like... half of my luxury expenses fund dent.


Also on the menu this morrow is: Unfucking the wreckage of the three days where I was not around to prevent it, a money run to pay for same, the usual tales to tell, an uber

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We Play Dungeons and Dragons!

Mayhem finishes early, this afternoon. As does Beloved's work.

Beloved will be heading homewards early. Mayhem will be headed homewards early. Chaos... still has her regular hours.

I have to work pretty fast today if I want degaussing time tomorrow. Especially considering that tomorrow has even more potential social gaming time with friends of Beloved, this time in virtuality.

I am the nerdy gaming nerd. Bow to me.

Not much progress on the TangleBag(tm), though I am taking daily progress pix

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Busiest Day

Mayhem has a ceremony thing going on today. I must provide parental support by being in the audience.

This also means that my usual schedule is shot to hell and may not happen until later this afternoon. Much later this afternoon.

All this not helped at all by the household wifi deciding to temporarily kark it and me having to reboot the little bugger.

Honestly. Some days, it's a wonder I get anything done at all.

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After two weeks of staying on the wagon and losing weight by the gram, I can break out and get some naughty foods.

I'm working in a new phrase in regards to my HAM plans and agenda to conquer my gaseous dreams, and that is: "and that's okay."

Like this:

  • I didn't make any headway on conquering boxes for Idle Game Maker... and that's okay.
  • I needed an afternoon's degaussing from my stress... and that's okay.
  • I spend the evening scheduling episodes
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Back into the rhythm

It is the last full week before Back To School. My little darlings have their shit sorted apart from lunchboxes, I think. Should still be able to get those long about Wednesday if they want them.


  • Today is cleaning day
  • Tomorrow is shrink visit

And thusly, the Wednesday is the only actual day I have guaranteed free so far. I will be asking the darlings whether or not they want a fresh lunchbox and I'm willing to bet Mayhem will answer

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I Failed HAM

I blame slow load times. Some program or another or many of them just decided to drag their metaphorical feet [I had too many of them going at once, doy] so I ended up swapping between tasks and getting distracted and losing time to assorted sinks.

I literally can't do that, today.

At ten, I'm taking myself to the optometrist because I'm having trouble with my glasses. I might have to get new frames because my detachable sunnies are delaminating [and I

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Things to Do

I have a lot of HAM on my plate, today. Which includes a break of unspecified length to go get my car fixed up from the minor accident I had in Tullagawoopwoop.

That's happening at ten AM.

Since I have no idea how long it will take to repair, I'm planning on breaking HAM so I can work on novels-in-progress if it actually takes that long. Nevertheless, I am taking the lappy.

For today, HAM happens until 10, and then after ten.

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HAM works!

When you have a lot to do, going HAM helps. Yes, the Half-hour Action Model is a good tactic to get several things done at once when you're as prone to scatterbrain syndrome as I am.

Yes, I know it's the ADHD portion of my ASD comorbs, I just like alliteration. So ner.

Today's agenda of goals includes:

  • Increment Java education
  • Increment RPG Maker education
  • Today's Instant
  • Today's TAZ ficlet
  • 500 words in B'Nar
  • 100 more chapters unfucked

The last on

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Call me Cheaty McCheaterson

I have nine episodes of Oh My Mods ready to rock and roll. Hooray.

I have two weeks coming up in which I will be busy off my arse with everything and a bucket of eggs.

We have ducted air con! YAYA! ...and getting used to that has given me a case of da sniffoos.

I'm currently uploading my episodes to the YouTube and I have them all on schedule. The first one will be appearing on the Thursday following Christmas. Watch

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Welcome to my enfuckened life

Today's the last day of this year for hired cleaning help. Which means that, once again, I have to badger my family into cleaning up after themselves.

I also have to have $95 cash, but that's small potatoes.

Beloved has to see a Gold-plated Expert about their eyes at early-during-business-hours. I have no idea how long that's going to take, or even if my presence is required, but I do know that my day is pretty much screwed.

Today promises to be

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The nice people with our dishwasher need me to call them. They sent me a message whilst other things were happening and the tiny ping of an incoming text was completely lost in the shuffle.

I have a hair appointment because the dye in my lurid hair has faded to the realms of euw. Apparently, you need to keep re-doing the new ones which are stains and not dyes. IDK from jack about hair dyes.

What happened to Fudge? Those colours were

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Monday Again?

I got another busy week again.

Monday's cleaning as per usual, but we're also getting a bloke in to look at the dishwasher. Which has suspiciously stopped having error messages on us GDI.

Mayhem is hoping to have his last day at school, today. Finishing up with an exam and getting all the last little necessities ticked and sorted out for the year. Since he's also racked up some internet fees, he's immediately looking for Summer Work (tm) which should teach out

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