
A 1-post collection

Challenge #04253-K235: Peas For a Goober

It was as dark green as a soybean pod, but the little "peas" inside tasted ... like terran peanuts. Yet it didn't contain any of the chemicals within that was the cause of the allergy so many had to that legume. A safe peanut that those with allergies could try??

One of the scientists, a being with a nasty allergy to the nuts, threw caution to the wind and tried one, medicine at the ready just in case. There was no reaction. -- Lessons

Here's how Humans test potentially dangerous foodstuffs - with a fork in one hand and their cure in the other. Also with Mediks on standby with every rapid life-support technology ready to go.

Culinary Analyst Mats tipped the test tube of green oblate spheres into hir mouth like an alcohol addict downing a shot. Hir lab companions screamed hir name as ze chewed. Ze gave them a thumb's up, grinning while ze masticated. The Mediks made certain their equipment was primed and ready to deploy.

Mats finished chewing, and swallowed. Still breathing easily. "C'n I have a glass o' milk?"

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