Sunday, Stream Shenanigans and Bread

I have my first loaf proofing in the incubator. I managed to run a session where all four hours were combat. Well. Combat and setting up for combat. There were a lot of mobs to juggle.

So after some tea and a nap, I'm back up and ready to rave onwards. Huzzah.

After the daily offerings and bread, there's another game tonight. Assuming all goes well. Then it's back to what passes for normal and fitting my work in between other things.

And speaking of other things... I have to remember where I put down my future Pi Hole1 and do a thing for Beloved. I might be able to squeeze that in between bread.

But first - my offerings.

  1. A special little device to preserve the household bandwidth. Amongst many other things, it also foxes web-based malware.