I am making sure the battery is charged for my Christmas chainsaw. All so I can head on down to MeMum's tomorrow and help her be rid of some overgrowth in the way of other things.
The plus side is that she finally has the other side of her insurance claim finalised. Just one more room to go and all is theoretically well.
just in time for the next flood season
Fingers crossed, all the measures put in so far will prevent a subsequent disaster. Fingers crossed, any remaining funds from the house fix will pay for the landscaping to direct any water away from causing further harm. Fingers crossed, we won't have another flood season like 2012.
That's a lot of crossed fingers. But at least my chainsaw and I can help MeMum get rid of branches and suchlike that she'd otherwise have trouble with. And helping her reconnect all her tech following her computer room fix.
Tomorrow, I'm off to help her with that stuff and nonsense, first thing. So the daily tale will be delayed significantly.
Best to get on with this one.