Sunday, Day 0, PLNs

Plague news: One new case, a local. Twenty-nine total active cases. Twenty in hospital. One in the ICU.

Beloved and I have a shopping list, so it's odds evens we'll come back with more than we wanted.

We need cat food, I need coffee. I just got a hand-crafted cam cover [thanks Babe!]. Photos eventually on my Insta.

SOMEwhere today, we will get the floor picked up from all the assorted nonsense that got strewn there. But that's later.

In the news:

  • NZ is stamping out Delta
  • Future of the royal family up to debate
  • Thugby
  • Labor staffer sacked for sexual assault
  • China threatens Aus with nukes
  • Antivax'd ban begins in business places
  • USA admits to killing kids with drones
  • "Survival of the smartest" starting to become a common phrase

And now for the story.