
This is looking like one hell of a year. There are three hundred and twenty-one unique fires all over this country. A violent and misogynistic man with too much power has started another war and is calling it "de-escalation". Our world leaders think that listening to speeches is 'action', and we're obviously headed somewhere very warm in someone's hand-basket.

What a wonderful start to the new year.

Also I slept through until the morning light, so there's no stream this morning. Because family in the house and incidental nonsense and people saying things I really don't want out in the greater interwebs.

Apologies to everyone and I hope to see you on Thursday.

This morning's shenanigans have been impeded by a cat smudging up to me. All over my keyboard and especially all over my mouse mat. It would have been nice if she hadn't decided to try eat my desk pen. Taking it off her resulted in a minor puncture.

Kitties are sharp. Be careful when rescuing them for their own good.

Story soon. I might try to edit another episode of Inter-Mission later on. I have no idea what I'm doing.

Yesterday's unfuckening managed to drain me completely. Worth it though.

Today, sometime, I shall gather myself some more Halo Tops since I ran out. I should possibly prep some meals so that I don't default to deep fried pork belly and little else. I also need to take my daily medication. And my caffeine.

Better get on with that.