I have a D&D game tonight, and Mother's Day Shenanigans tomorrow. So I'm pulling dumb sleep tricks. Including deliberately missing the streams I normally tune in for because Meatspace Social Stuff.
Tomorrow's stream is happening at 5AM and I will be missing Tale Foundry's fic readings. Which is generally where I get the prompt reveal. When I don't cheat and check the vote in advance.
Except that the vote hasn't happened yet.
I'm nervous now.
BUT I also have starters to feed and Bikkie to make (and consume) and a Beloved to ask if she wants her Mother's Day presents early because aforementioned social stuff.
So I shall get on with that in a mo.
Also in my PLNs for the day are finishing of the populating and set dressing of level 7 of 23. And then beginning on the building of level 8.
I'll get there. I can only hope I get there at a reasonable pace.
Without causing myself harm. Because that can happen too.