Saturday, Parkrun, New Rig, and SHENANIGANS GALORE

My morning has been complicated by the Global Blue Screen of Doom.

  • Because Windoze had a failure of a security upgrade, lots of Windoze-based systems no worky no more
  • Which includes the local 7-11
  • Where I went to get petrol before the commute to parkrun
  • Advised to go to a different servo, but I went to a different-different servo where I also picked up snacks for Beloved and Miss Chaos
  • And it also took me a solid minute to figure out the pumps at the other servo
  • So we were a little bit late to parkrun
  • Which greatly upset Miss Chaos

She gets very dramatic about being late for things.

On the other hand, we still had a good parkrun and a healthy(ish) brunch and I am now in the extended process of porting things to the new compy. Which is currently on Beloved's desk and using half her hardware.

I am awaiting further instructions. If said instructions take too firkin long, y'all may be getting today's story tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I shall be filling in the time with low-brainpower occupations. Stuff that doesn't matter if it's saved or if it isn't.

Like YouTube and Cookie Clicker.

If I resume streaming, it will likely be next week. That should give me enough time to iron out the hiccoughs. Underline 'should'.

Wish me luck and I hope to have something out there soon.