Saturday, Parkrun and Upgrades

Thanks to a chain of shenanigans involving Adorable, a dodgy compy part, and attempts to repair her compy... I am about to get a new compy made out of all the replacement parts that were never needed.

It's a complicated pile of shenanigans and I can't remember the name of the bit that initially went wrong. Suffice to say that Beloved and Adorable bought a new one that was broken in the box, and subsequently attempted to fix said compy by replacing literally everything else.

And now I'm getting that everything else. Which is a ridiculous upgrade from my old rig. I'm also getting an OS swap from Linux Mint Cinnamon to Something Else I Forget The Name Of, which Adorable is infinitely more familiar with.

Which, in turn, means that I should be back to streaming sometime real soon now. As soon as everything is harvested off my old rig, installed in the new one, and all the kinks are ironed out.

Which is not happening this week, methinks.

This week is another week overloaded with 2-hour road trips for Mayhem and my good self being a very tired bean.

Today's offerings will be happening after I finally return home. And maybe catch a nap.

Time will tell.


There's been an embuggerance. Several, in fact, but I can enlighten you about a few of them here.

  • Initial Adorable's compy problem was some busted RAM chips, which have been replaced in both versions
  • New compy made out of replacement bits will be mine in the fullness of time, BUT...
  • New compy case has a slight curse issue
  • Old-school case curses were due to a flaw in the metal of the case
  • THIS variant of case curse is due to a chip/board that controls the cool lights in the case. Connecting the lights makes the whole thing go plooey
  • The good news is that the whole thing can work without the cool lights
  • BUT because hot&cold running customers, it couldn't be fixed today
  • They're still ordering a replacement chip/board thing so I can have cool lights in my new compy rig
  • Coming real soon now I promise

It's been a heck of a day.

I've made some comfort food and I'm watching some nonsense. If any of my offerings happen today, it's because the mood has struck.

I am a very, very tired bean.