Saturday, Parkrun and Testing Cycle

I think I have finally made all the stopgap functions for Pseuducku and, if it all works, I will have a HTML version to put up on the development log. Finally, an interactive experience... but not much of one.

Gotta acknowledge my limits, you know.

I have added gel pads to my super foot-friendly shoes, and I think it's made a difference. So too has swapping the side I use my cane on until my other heel stopped whinging about things.

I think the poor thing was jealous.

My right heel still twinges when I bend to pick things up so I'll keep up the treatments and hope for the best.

My physio is spacing out her treatments, so this is a long experiment on my end.

I may or may not get brave enough to test it today. I got some things back from a marketing person and I also need to brave up to evaluate them.

I have to be very brave in my near future. And I'm a big chicken. The bravest thing I'm doing is VTTRPG in the early AM tomorrow. Then I worry about everything else.

Let's get on with my offerings.