Saturday, Exhaustion Points

I made it through parkrun. Yay. My heel still hates me. Boo. I needed a nap after I got home because irrevocably awake at 2AM. Fun times.

Nap done with, I am disinclined to leave my bed again, so all my offerings come from my laptop to you. Anything else deemed unnecessary will wait until tomorrow. Possibly, tomorrow afternoon.

Sneezin' and Wheezin' Season is still kicking my butt, so I may have to leave my little sanctuary just to put myself on the nebuliser. I'm hoping a decent rest will help me feel better.

And RiverFire is on next week! I hope to have some social time with the QPP, but may have to juggle getting Chaos home in the between times. Juggling moments has been my life of late.

We're working on it.