Officially Day 3 of Quarantine

I've more or less been self-isolated for a majority of my time. Introverts are ahead of the learning curve on that count. It turns out my productive output lately has been tied to my emotional state. Therefore, I'm working on my mental health with my own personal regime of treatment.

  • Only viewing new news about the continuing plague crisis
  • Singing when the mood suits me no matter what the family has to say
  • Seeking out some new experiences to enrich my noggin

New things - not always new obsessions - give my brain some sparks to lighten my day. I just binged the entirety of Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts last night and I have the humble opinion that you should watch it if you can.

You'll thank me later.

The family voted at one of the early voting areas to reduce the risk to all, and it looked like an entire pack of folks had a similar idea. Good thing we were all practicing distancing to keep the risk down. It'll be interesting to see

Today's Wordpress will be about this crisis and what we as a species need to do if we want to survive to the next century with something resembling civilisation intact.

Fingers crossed, I'll be able to edit some of my podcast during the passage of today. Let's see how far I can get.