Monday, Plague Day 7, Quirblies

I've got some internal nonsense happening related to the plague. Or it could be related to the antibiotics. I don't know. Either way, staying hydrated is a priority of sorts.

Might be looking up how to make Miso soup in the home with the stuff I have to hand. I'll need all of that. Not that I feel too tremendously terrible. Yet.

I'm trying to stay far away from civilisation whilst I still have symptoms. I shall be re-establishing a normal soon. It looks like I have my voice back, but I think I'll take another week off of streaming just to be safe.

No throwing up, just some acidic burps. The other way... well at least it's not painful.

Taking things very easily, and also taking frequent bathroom breaks, I shall get today's tale done.

And then probably nap again.