Friday, Unfuckening, Scheduling, and the Endless List of TTD

I pretty much have to sort my vinyl faster than I'm doing it. One album per week would take me the rest of my firkin life and then some. I should find time to do so at least thrice a week.

...I can get more bonus points that way.

So my morning coffee routine now includes putting on a record and deciding whether or not I like those stored sounds.

After I finish here, it's out to the catio for the regular clean, then back again to create my offerings. After that's done, I move five more blog entries out of Wordpress.

And that takes most of my day.

Somehow, sometime soon, I have to do social things and gain an audience via people stuff. I still do not know how to people. I am much happier sliding out offerings from under my rock, but... needs must, I guess.

I'm inching closer to 1K in my summary of Beauties and the Beastly. Only one thousand more words to go and I can cut that version down to 1K and 500 words for the pitch kit.

Coming up with the blurbs is way easier.

THEN I move on to Clockwork Souls and its pitch kit. YAAAAAAAYYYY...

...somebody help me.