I need to get Sillicea pills so my knees won't get worse. I also have to see my Physio today. So that gives me a chance to go place and acquire thing all in one trip.
I couldn't find a tutorial on text boxes that I could understand, so I tried to improvise one and I'll be testing that and finding out what the hell I need to do to make it work properly.
I will therefore, eventually, understand text boxes and all the things I need to do to make them go.
Seriously considering looking up if GameMaker has an extant sudoku template that I can creatively adjust. It might help me out. I'm still planning to do the tutorials but if I understand everything else, I might have an easier time.
I know that I can't do this from scratch on my own. Not in a reasonable amount of time.
So this afternoon, I will be poking around GameMaker as well as cleaning out the catio. At least I no longer have to fret about the branches near the fence. That's taken care of.
Now that I know the afternoons are reasonable for power tool work, I can set up to make Chaos' bread cutting guide next week. Yay.
Here's to getting stuff done randomly.