Friday, Appointments Made!

I finally tracked down all the doctors and have appointments to go place and do thing. Yay.

I'm going to get my heel seen to at about the same time that I'll be due to publish my All Hallow's Read story. Or at least commence on that nonsense.

I'm also seeing another medico about special meds at about the same time that I find out whether or not Agent #3 likes my nonsense. Synchronicity be weird around here.

I really need to look up the agent pile, as my shrink recommended another mob. Check out their submission guidelines and making certain I have enough to pitch to Mob #2. After a brief peek, I might have a wait on my hands or a lot to do. They're closed to new blood for now. Scary.

BUT I also have three more agents to pitch to before Mob #2 so I have a lot of time to tweak things there.

I have offerings to make, a catio to clean, and maybe a few hours of relaxation to snag.

Let's get on with that.