Human, why is there a long, red, gash across your hand??
"Oh, that's just a scratch don't worry, already treated it."
But it looks enflamed!
"Yah, we humans do that when we get small cuts like this, it's sterilized, and treated, but it'll look bad for an hour or so, then heal right up." -- Anon Guest
"Are you certain? An injury like that should be inspected by medical. Just to be sure it won't get worse." Companion Gine bobbed in concern, glancing again and again at the reddened mark on Human Joe's arm. "I know you are a Deathworlder, but the risk remains."
"We're gonna get yelled at," predicted Joe, showing her teeth for a brief instant before remembering to cover them. "It's just a little souvenir of my new kitten. Nothing big. I'll get dozens more before he grows up enough to get lazy."
"I have already expressed my concerns regarding your companion predator. It attacks anything that moves."
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