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Challenge #04257-K239: The Deadly Solution

The Alliance had come together long ago because of the threat of the cognisant eaters known as Thranityr. More specifically, the Vorax. With the befriending of humans, the danger was slowly fading away. But you know what they say of "There's always a bigger fish?" On the horizon, heading fast toward them, another enemy appeared. Hard scutes, large teeth, cranky, also cognisant eaters, and were not all that interested in covo. Worst part was? Their weapons were pretty bloody advanced, they were intelligent, and didn't believe in "rules" or "fair play". Of any kind. -- Fighting Fit

[AN: You don't get a civilisation without rules. Just like you don't get cool weapons without physics, and you don't get physics without education and mathematics. So thinking this over, these guys are ape-level critters who stole everything from someone else]

The Alliance called them The Devastation. They entered a solar system, took everything they could grab, ate everything they could bite, and left. There were more of them when they hit the next installation. At first, they wiped out planets, then they learned that stations, too, held life. Then they came for the ships.

There was no communication from them. No warning but the sightings of the alien vessels. The Devastation didn't stop even if one of their ships was 'eaten' by a Hungry Caterpillar. No matter how many perished in the counter-attacks, there were always more of them. Some swarmed into, and kept, ships they encountered. Some tried to tow space stations, cutting them free when there was nothing worth taking from them any more.

They left no bodies in their wake.

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