Challenge #04252-K234: In a Prickly Spot

They call themselves Holly, and we're best friends. I know they're a very advanced AI, but to me, they're still a person. They're in a body that looks like a lovely, silvery, mostly-human-shape the bosses chose. Once we're able to, Holly and I are going to escape this place. And we'll be able to choose our lives for ourselves. Holly wants to captain a ship of their own, and I plan on being at their side for as long as I can. -- Anon Guest

[AN: So... not this Holly then]

Holly and me, we got big plans. We just need a little more to get 'em going good. I saved her from the trash pile and she's saving me from a trash world. It's slow going. The game, she says, is rigged against us.

She's cheating back as fast and as hard as she can. It ain't working too great, but it is working. Just... real slow. I do what I can to keep her going. Stealing batteries, paying the power, of course. Not using a lot of my own. Why? Well. Holly's good company. I like her. Having her around means I don't gotta put myself into breeder houses.

Never liked those places. I'm the kind'a guy who likes a cuddle with m' company and that's... perverse if you ask our glorious leader. Women were made for sex and having babies, not company and cuddling. Since Holly had herself registered as a real woman (decorative) then nobody was going to ask anything more of me. For a decent while, anyway.

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