Challenge #04242-K224: Hero of Justice

A sheathed, dusty, blade that was hidden in a thief's lair is stolen by a young hellkin seeking a way to defend themselves.

The blade finds they are able to speak to their new wielder, and helps them learn how to be a true hero. Not a false one wrapped in gold, but a quiet one wrapped in hope. -- Anon Guest

Justice is an odd thing, beyond an eye for an eye. For example, harming the innocent is unjust, regardless of how removed the harm is. A raise of food prices does a great deal of harm if those wanting those foodstuffs has already spent their money on rent. Similarly, killing thieves does not stop thievery.

One sword has seen all forms of Justice. Including the hands that held it now.

Young hands. Hungry. Justice the Blade stretched its senses out further. Found, for the first time in centuries, thoughts.

I just want to live, thought the young mind. This is light. Maybe I can fend them off with it. Abusive bastard won't miss it. He's got plenty of others. There was a hint of a name. Something this... child? Yes. This child named themself Justice too.

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