Challenge #04240-K222: Midwinterfeast Blessings

The child given a small toy, it was such a simple gift. A little dragon-shaped doll. Toys, when deeply loved, can have their own life. This toy fought with a wizard, loved a child, and protected the travelers to help the child, and new parent, find their way past darkness, toward home. -- Anon Guest

Midwinterfeast passed in a warm little house in a warm little village in the middle of nowhere. A place eager to have Wraithvine, even though they were wary of hir company. Three apparent monsters in the company of a legend were still monsters. No matter how tame they appeared to be.

Amity, knowing the habits of Humans around Hellkin, fretted every time Berrie's hand left hers. Not just for Berrie's safety, but also that her dear little child might be taken away.

Berrie had learned from the alleyways of the city that Humans were cruel and mean-spirited, so did not often leave their new mother's side. They had also learned to sleep lightly for their own self-defence. And that was how she caught sight of the other childhood deity. The dark shadow who saw to those Greatfather Langeven didn't see.

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