Challenge #04227-K209: Weapons of Mass Infuriation

I would cast Repel Maiden upon thee, but it seems another wizard beat me to it.-- Anon Guest

Bards have... a gift of sorts. Their words and music are so well-practiced and well-honed that they have a magic of their own. Many have heard of the magic in a Bard's song - Inspiration. Few have heard of the opposite - Vicious Mockery - the ability to harm or kill with an insult.

It's quite the skill, to be able to read in an instant what a foe might be insecure about, and then deliver the perfect phraseology to cause lasting mental injury. If done correctly, a Bard can kill with a well-delivered word.

Too many people don't know this, and believe Bards are soft sorts who spent all their time indoors before venturing out into the wider world. They think Bards are merely there for support or to be the wing-person. They also think that Bards are thoroughgoing sex gremlins. None of these statements are true for all Bards.

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