Challenge #04219-K201: Stepped Across Millennia

Has my nose grown numb to the smell of blood? Was the moon always this bright? Birds aren’t supposed to sing at this time... the streets sound so busy, is there a festival?

I don’t think I’m supposed to be here... -- Anon Guest

On very rare occasions, someone can step between time to a different era. Almost every time this happens, it's someone that either era would not notice. In this case, it was someone who one era would never miss.

Scat was probably five years old, and didn't think she'd live to see her seventh birthday. Such was the lot of Hellkin living on the streets. The dark shadowless streets were outlined in shades of grey as she avoided anyone bigger than her[1]. Her breath made thin phantoms in the night. The coldest night of the year.

She tripped as she rounded a corner, and stumbled into a different time entirely.

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