Challenge #04207-K189: Little Discoveries, Large Impact

The apprentice mage welcomed only enough gold, and the charm, to allow them to travel to where Wraithvine asked them to come to set up their little shop. They only accepted enough coin to survive on, wanting little else. After all, this was meant to help others, not to be rich. Helping others made them happy. -- Anon Guest

Wraithvine was right. Aelinor would definitely have enough data for their experiments. The time it took for the charms to wear out with heavy use. The materials that worked the best. The tools that worked the best.

...and why Artificers always kept either an Elf or a Hellkin in their workshops. And the kinds of people who could be just as useful.

Those with magic in their blood and bones could push their innate magic into solid things. And in the swamp's workshop, in the stilt houses of Muddihollo, there were more than a few Wudzgaad and Trolls wandering about. Neither of whom were terribly keen on what Humans called 'civilisation'.

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