Challenge #03923-J271: Good Game, Friend

The massive, plated, deathworlder asked to fight the human. The other humans warned their friend to go easy on the being. The being sneered at the soft, squishy, opponent. They learned that humans are... a lot more dangerous than their soft, smooth, appearance, with no fangs or claws, make them appear to be. -- Anon Guest

No matter how big and strong you are, there is always someone who can whip your ass. There is, as the saying goes, always a bigger fish. Defender Xoan would never believe that that 'bigger fish' was a squishy Human half their size.

They would learn differently very soon.

Human Clare wasn't armed, nor armoured. He had bare feet and empty hands. His clothes were some variety of uniform, but they also resembled pyjamas. It seemed to Xoan that this match was going to be a ridiculously easy victory.

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