Challenge #00676 - A311: Taming Humans

Humans may be rendered almost catatonic by careful scritches in the correct place - under the cranial hair, behind the ears and along the spine.

Important note: Although this technique can turn almost any human docile, 70% of the time it also makes it harder to escape, as ceasing the technique can lead to your human grabbing one of your limbs, even when partially asleep. As a human’s grip is nigh unbreakable even at rest, it is advised you use this only as a last resort or endeavour to keep anything graspable out of range.

Miles from home. Lost. Lonely. It’s easy to crave a friendly touch. It’s easy to need someone to talk to. And when you meet something - anything - that resembles a friendly face…

It was the fifth time that Foh ran across Allie that both human and saurian downed their tools and risked touch. Risked attempting some variety of communication.

For a deathworlder, this human was remarkably gentle. A surprisingly light touch. Foh was fascinated by her head plume, and discovered to her delight that the human responded positively.


Moved under Foh’s touch and made pleased murmurs.

It was rather like touching Velociraptor and discovering that it acted like a big, tame, compsognathid[1].

Foh was so amazed by it all that she didn’t realise the human had wrapped itself around her. And trapped her in place. The big, heavy, dangerous… and currently sound asleep… deathworlder.

Even in slumber, the human’s grip was unbreakable. It took some considerable hours for Foh to learn that a sleeping human could be coaxed to do things by tickling.

But even then, Foh wound up as the humans’ comfort-toy. She was lucky her kind were not from a havenworld. Otherwise the human’s sleepy squeezes may have killed her.

The most dangerous cogniscent in the sector feels comfortable around me, Foh thought. Now. How can I feel comfortable around her?

[1] Those unfamiliar with saurian biota would find this similar to touching a tiger and finding it acting just like an affectionate kitten.

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