Challenge #00435 - A060: An Average Sight at a Particular Exit


It was agreed by all that watching them come running out of the perfectly ordinary museums, occasionally while screeching or falling over (or more bizarrely a combination of the above and laughter) was most amusing. It seemed to happen more often around museums with audio assistance too…

[AN: Accessibility is a common thing in the Amalgam Universe. Grav-lifts in the middle of stair columns. Ramps wherever possible. Audio and visual assistance in a ‘take one if needed’ basket with a hygienist on staff to cleanse the equipment when it’s returned… so all museums have audio assistance. As do all libraries.]

Shayde was laughing so hard she could barely breathe. Her cackles mixed with coughing and tears streamed down her face. And Rael was left with the struggle of balancing her six-foot-plus frame on his five-foot-seven one. Whilst simultaneously dodging her erratic feet.

“Must I fetch a paper bag?” he demanded.

For some reason, this was even funnier.

A row of galactic tourists were taking images and, no doubt, sending them out on the galactic info-nets with variations on the caption of, “Human status confirmed.” He was almost used to it. Shayde’s status as a may-be-human was almost a running joke, by now.

The only irritating thing was that he was so very, very often in the same frame.

“…all-devourin’ swarm…” Shayde giggled, as if that was some kind of punchline.

Rael hustled her out of there before she could start drooling.

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