Challenge #00421 - A046: A Peculiar, Yet Typical Argument

If no-one from the future comes back to stop you, is it really that bad an idea?

“Yes it is,” said Rael, gently shoving Ambassador Shayde onwards. “Especially when time travel is a theoretical impossibility trapped in the realms of science fiction.”

“They said tha’ about goin’ tae the moon. Now look at it.”

“That’s not the point and you know it.”

“Ach, why’d ye have tae be such a killjoy?”

“Because I’m desperately trying to avoid a disaster.”

“Nah. Reckon ye love puttin’ yer hands on me. I’m irresistible.”

“Moving on! Now! Before the bad thing happens!”

Laughter. “Ah, kiss me an’ get it over with…”

Just another day of sharing public space with the unintentional comedy duo of Ambassador Shayde and Rael the JOAT.

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