Challenge #00409 - A044: Intergalactic Ambassador Spot

“We’re here to conquer yo-

Awww lookit the cute little fuzzy. Whooosa fuzzy.”

Sir, the aliens seem to have become distracted.

Only humans, they later said, could take a pursuit predator and make it completely servile. And for some time in the Galactic Alliance, it was something of a mystery as to where and when dogs originally hailed from.

Some refused to believe that such a useful animal could come from the same planet as “a bunch of cogniscidal apes”.

And yet…

When humans invaded the luxury cruiser in the Bleizal star system, the dogs on board stopped them. Not through their training, as the dogs were calming security animals for some of the more nervous passengers.

The humans evidently found them - cute.

Heavily armoured human solders stopped in their tracks and lowered what had to be weapons.

“Oozawiddlefuzzywuzzycuteiddledoggieeeee,” was heard emanating from their collective helmets. Alongside repeated coos of “Oooh, doggie. Aaaaaawwww…”

The humans spent some time touching, rubbing and embracing the dogs. This allowed many on board to escape intact.

According to securicams, the human invaders stayed cooing over the dogs for twenty minutes before shooing the animals away and leaving without their usual trail of destruction.

Dogs became essential for interstellar travel safety.

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