Challenge #00342: Wild Goose Chase

The Three Pig Trick: Releasing into an area three havoc-causing animals, traditionally pigs, labelled 1, 2 and 4, (may be scaled up for larger numbers of animals) and watching the chaos ensue in catching the labeled animals and searching for the nonexistent missing numbered ones.

The premise was simple. There was a large flock of numbered geese in a fenced enclosure. Their opponents had to catch every last one alive before they went after Shayde and her reluctant companion, Rael.

It shocked him that Shayde herself cheerfully blew the starting whistle.

“Reet,” she said, turning away from the chaos of feathers, hunters and angry geese. “Let’s leg it fer the ship and piss off home.”

“What? That’s against the rules…”

“So’s makin’ sure there’s no’ a hundred geese in there.”


“I might'a erased Forty-two and Seventy-three. And set ‘em a bit loose.” She grinned. “C'mon. Ere they catch on.”

Rael had to follow so he could ask, “How can you possibly believe they’ll let you get away with this?”

“Ye only get tae get away with the three-pig-trick once. So I made sure they didnae know it.”

“Those are geese…”

“Same principal, different pun.” She seized his hand and began running in ernest.

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