Mayhem is due for another fine day of his traineeship. I am overdue for Yuletide shopping.
I have some squirrelings from previous weeks, but I gotta say it is not looking that great for the gift front. Plus practically my entire family is difficult to shop for.
And I should really lay in a supply of diet fizzy water for the feast. And hide it somewhere or the kids will drink it all in less than a day.
Today's story will be happening sometime after I fill my car or give up hope. Whichever happens first.
And I really need a bag of gravel to at least try and fix the exit to the shed before my car suffers the consequences of inaction.
And I still have to arrange a dinner. Fun.
In shinier news, the McElroys have released a new episode and I rolled a 1 on my Resist Temptation Check.
In other news - I will finish writing Rael today. Today. TODAY. That's a big firkin deal.
I'll finish posting the chapters up on Patreon and then trickle them down for my single dollar donors over the passage of some weeks. And during those weeks, I shall be trickling down some extant chapters of my next book, Clockwork Souls.
This means that the higher borders of my donation scheme will empty out, but you know what? None of my current donors are inconvenienced, so I'm cool.
I'll worry about future donors when I get them.