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"Why We Won't Stop Fighting For Our Right To Purity"

Someone with an ARTICULATELY RATIONAL reason for detesting Sara and waging futile jihad against mutants because of her. (Just because I’m feeling deep in my ‘Sympathy for the Devil’ phase today being the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington.) Something akin to what Luther did on the doorframe would be nice as well.


The photo showed a slightly-horsey girl with green-blue scales. She was smiling, but not looking at the camera. The resolution made it clear that it was taken from a safe distance.

This is a mutant. This photo was not 'shopped. She claims her name is Sara. She is not human.

There are hundreds, possibly thousands of mutants like this thing living in the united states, and they must be stopped. By any means necessary.

They mean to take over the world.

Mutants have genetic “gifts” given to them by the devil that cause them to renounce god in favour of worshiping evil-ution. Those “gifts” are dominant trait. If a mutant has sex with a human, their baby will be born a mutant. They may even have more of the devil’s “gifts” than their parents.

Mutants and humans should never breed. Miscegenation like that is against the laws of God and Nature. Breeding with humans is part of their master plan.

The more mutants there are, the more danger that honest, god-fearing humans are in.

A video. Showing Sara in all her greenish-blue glory, fading in and out of view. Using the Xi Qong Peace Poke against four guys bigger and heavier than her.

As you can see, this one mutant and her devil “gifts” is more than enough to defeat four normal, red-blooded American men. This thing claims it’s a female, but as you can see in the video, it is decidedly un-feminine in appearance and behaviour.

We cannot allow creatures like this to take over our world.

The Bible says that God appointed humans as stewards of the planet Earth. There is no mention of mutants anywhere in the Bible. This must mean that they are the spawn of the devil, put on this Earth to try and conquer Earth in the name of sin.

Another video. Blurry, shaky footage of mutants playing Calvinball in a lightly wooded area.

The blue devil you see at 1:15 is obviously a descendant of the Jersey Devil. This means that mutants have been vying for supremacy for a very long time. Perhaps even the 'alien’ visitations have actually been mutant attempts to violate humans and engender more mutant babies.

More evidence of mutant deception of humans.

This federally-funded test(non-working link) alleges that mutants are uniformly more intelligent than their human counterparts. This means that we must constantly be on our guard! Mutants are therefore capable of more devious tricks than any human alive.

You can not know a mutant by looking at them! Even those as aggressively different as the thing at the top of this page can hide themselves with devilish technological tricks.

A photo pf a very clunky sports watch.

This is the Stark Industries Personal Holographic Electronic Disguise Device (SIPHEDD). It is formerly-secret military technology meant to protect our troops in the battlefield. Aggrassively different mutants use these to appear human during their infiltration missions in YOUR schools, stores and places of business.


Unfortunately, you can not notify the authorities. They have access to top-of-the-line military technology. This means that they already have the authorities in their sway.

Join the register of pure humans now!(another broken link) We must band together to preserve the true human race.

How to prepare for war.(Survivalist how-to’s)
How to legally acquire weapons suitable for killing mutants.(Broken link)
Could YOU be a mutant? Take our quiz! (A link to a broken quiz)

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