Thursday, House of Pestillence

Mayhem has a lingering Lurgi, this time. He might be starting to believe in the power of sanitising communal keyboards and may begin to believe in sanitising his hands before touching food or his face.

Time will tell.

Pseuducku news: It's not me, it's the app. My trouble with sound files is a bug in Stencyl that needs fixing, not anything I was fucking up. Yay?

So alongside doing yesterday's rant that I forgot, I shall now make room for a side project or two. Getting stuff done by a process of elimination. Huzzah.

BUT it's not all fun and cherries here. I attempted to assemble my Raspberry Pi, according to two sets of instructions. One that came with the packet and the other that I found on a helpful website. These instructions have some conflicts that resulted in some... devastation.

I'm convinced I accidentally broke some moderately expensive technology by following the instructions.

I'm a genius like that.

I've boxed it all up and shall be consulting the QPP this Saturday. That gives me two and a half days to hate myself for making a mess. Which I am trying not to do.

I'll do my late rant first, and then attempt to focus on the daily offerings.

Let's go.