X-Men Evolution

A 110-post collection

Evoverse - even heroes can die, and no matter what you do and how much you try, it's not possible to save everyone (GO AHEAD, MAKE ME CRY...


Cold. Remember the three O’s.

Objective. Orientation. Orders.

Objective. Get the survivors safe.

Orientation. Back to the plane. If plane empty, downhill and downstream.

Orders. Stay safe.

Sara hunched inside her impromptu space-blanket cloak and wished her bio-mimetic battle outfit (a) covered more territory and (b) was warmer than it was.

Splint done. This individual would need help getting down. Travois. Skis and blankets and gaff. Loads of gaff. Drag them out and catch up with the last of the walking wounded. Pass them on and then back.

Someone was coming up.

“Not safe! Go down! Go down!”

Not a survivor. A friend.

“What t’ hell you doin’ up here?” Todd demanded as he landed from yet another magnificent leap. “Why’d you forget to radio?”

Radio? There had been a radio. “I dropped it.”

“…jesus fuck it’s cold…” He pulled something out of his belt and rattled off some numbers. Then he added, “Judging by the tracks, the actual crash is uphill. I’m’a get some readings an’ tell you. Start at those cords anyway. Don’t wait fo’ us.”

He snugged her onto his back. Leaped uphill, along the tracks the others had made. So much faster than slogging through the snow.

Inside the plane was out of the wind, but not by much. Sara headed to the nose and checked the pilots. Gone. If Todd radioed or gave co-ordinates,  Sara didn’t hear him. She checked seat-by-seat towards the broken end. Empty. Empty. Empty. Gone. Empty. Gone. Gone. Empty.


Sara extracted the poor little scrap. Limp. Not bloody. Not broken.

“She’s gone, too,” said Todd. “Everyone left is dead, sweets.”

“Baby,” said Sara. Or at least, the little bit of her that was still functioning. “Not dead ‘till warm and dead.”

“You don’t got the warmth t’ spare…” He dithered for a moment, and made a sling for the little girl out of whatever came to hand. Tying her onto his chest. Then he tied her to his back and half leaped, half skidded away.

Following the sinuous curve ploughed into the snow by the walking wounded. By the survivors.

So cold.

So easy to go to sleep…



Sara breathed in. Kicked and thrashed. Yawped.

“Easy now. Easy. You’re going to be okay. We need to get your body temperature up.”

“Mortimer? Baby?”

“Your… companion is in the men’s ward, undergoing the same treatment. He’s going to be fine.”

“The baby. There was a baby with us.”

The medic’s stony face said it all. “We tried everything.”

There was a horrifyingly small lump on the gurney just opposite her tub. Human-shaped. Child sized.

“I didn’t catch her name.”

The medic found a clipboard, flipped through sheets. “Peri Smith.”

There was one other name on that list. Sara could see it through the lax sheet flapping off the clipboard. The one name that mattered most.

Sam Adrien.

“Is that… all… a list of the dead?”

“Yes. I’m sorry. I know you did your best, but many of them were gone before you got there. If you’d like to talk to a councilor…”

“The Sam Adrien on that list. Was… was he—” shivering came back. Violently. Making her stutter. “W-www-ww-w-w-was-s-s-s he S-s-s-sam-mmmmmm-muel L-llllyle Ad-d-d-rien?”

“I’ll have to check with the document recovery team. You stay put. No wandering off out of there without a thorough check up.”

“I’ll b-b-b-b-be g-g-g-ood….” Admittedly, her own last name was not as prolific as, say, Smith or Jones. There had to be other Sam Adriens out there.

Someone else’s husband. Someone else’s love. Someone else’s…


Not him. Not now. Not him. Not today. Not him. Please. If there’s any mercy in this universe. Any higher power who could…

Not Daddy.

Not today.

Her tears would not come. Not when the medic came back with a too-familiar wallet. Not when she saw the blood on it. Not even when she saw his smiling face on his driver’s license.

The one person who meant the most in her entire life. The man who kept her alive just by coming home.

Was never coming home again.

He’d died instantly. Painless. The same lie all doctors told relatives. It was quick. It didn’t hurt.

She must have passed him a hundred times. Checked for a pulse every time she stopped at his seat, in spite of the evident injury that killed him. She must have laid her hands on him so many times, checking for anyone alive. And never seen who he was. Never known.

The three O’s never let her see faces. Faces let her make mistakes. Got her involved in illogic. And illogic killed people in situations where the three O’s were necessary. It was for the greater good.

But right at that instant. Shivering fit to shake her skin off. Sara hated the three O’s with a vengeance beyond a million suns.

Because she had seen him. She had known. And now that it was confirmed… she couldn’t cry.

[Muse food remaining:7. Submit a promptAsk a questionBuy my stories!]

Another ficwar prompt: The one time when it mattered, Sara failed.


Negative. Again. For the thirty-ninth time.

Sara tried to control her breathing. She did everything she could to remain quiet, but inside her head… a thousand suns were exploding.

Their anniversary was next week. Their third anniversary.

It was crucial that this test be positive. And, for the thirty-ninth time in a row… negative.

She’d failed him.

And now he’d go away.

To someone more shapely. To someone more fertile. To someone who would not wake him up at

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Challenge #00137: Elves Don't Live Forever.

As per the fic war… go old school. Kitty realizes her feelings for Kurt after he dies in some horrible manner. KILL ME.

[AN: Fic war prompts will have priority while they are in my inbox. I will get to the others in the fullness of time.]

They got most of the people out. Not all. Nobody could have got all of them out. And for a change everyone was working together. Lance beside Scott. Fred beside Jean. Pietro beside Ororo&

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Daily Opus: Challenge #00092: Long Green

Daily Opus: Challenge #00092: Long Green



X-Men:Evolution/Girl Genius crossover. Perhaps Forge's dimensional tinkering goes awry yet again? I'd be curious to see as to how you'd do it.... :3

Somewhere outside of Mechanicsburg...

Gil was cold. This was not a surprise because he was in the middle on the very pointy mountain range that was…

[Trying to make this rebloggable by request.]

Is it working?

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Fanfic Time: Misfits part 71

No, I did not find more. I wrote more. Yay!

Catch up with the last chapter before this entry.

  Sara spotted them the instant she finished securing Marie’s scooter to the stand. Duncan’s crew, but no Duncan. There was Graydon, and Brent; watching from near the closest entrances and preparing to move in. Which meant that Paul Greaves had to be… Sara casually turned, making it look as if she were double-checking the bike. There. Behind her

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Fanfic Time: Recycled Souls part 2

I swear to Blob I had more of this. Feckin backups… why do they never back up automagically. Blah.

  Sumer. 3542 BC.

  Ammon had given up struggling against the slaver’s bonds. It had taken him a month to do so, but he still hated his captors. He was not going to cow or grovel before these females, even if they *did* serve an earthbound Goddess!

  He’d spit in her eye, too, given a chance.

  Here came two

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Fanfic Time: Recycled Souls part 1

Warning: this is yet another unfinished fic. I kinda lost the umph to write more some time ago. It’s still lurking in the back of my head, so tallyho!

Disclaimer: They own it, I just play with it. I own this, so please don’t steal it.

Archiving: If you want it, email cat@internutter.org for a clean copy.

Info: Yet another bizarre idea that accosted me in the wee small hours. I got a million of ‘

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Next fics in the queue:

Recycled Souls  An XME Kurmanda fic in which both are reborn again and again into different times and places.

Flotsam   Sara Louise comes into the MovieVerse to rescue a toad and turn him into a prince.

Don’t Pity Me   A rare finished fic, that also happens to be darkfic. Contains child abuse, rape, hideous things happening to good people, evil people and generalised nastiness. You have been warned.

I’m still taking requests?

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Where do I go from here?


That was a LOT of fanfic.

Now that I’ve submitted my entry for Understatement of the Year… I have two little things.

First, an apology.

I am very sorry I haven’t written any more. Please contain your screams of anguish.

Second, an announcement.

I am working on a novel where Sara gets her own universe. This has not stopped her from wanting to butt in on my other fandoms. I also have several other fics in

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Fanfic time: Misfits part 70

Continued from yesterday:

  Janine stared at the ceiling in her new flat. The late owner’s blood was still turning up in weird places, but, thanks to Sara and her somewhat grousome fascination with all things forensic, she knew exactly what to do about that.

  The landlord sure as hell didn’t give a shit.

  The bullet holes had been easy. Again, Sara knew where to pick up specific weights of plaster powder on the cheap.

  And then there was

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Fanfic time: Misfits part 69

Trigger warning: Contains bitches.

Continued from yesterday:

  “No, she’s not a patient, here,” said Sam, “she’s *with* a patient, here. Todd Tolenski? Only he’s probably still in the ER and hasn’t been registered, yet.”

  The receptionist took all this in, ignored it, and searched for the both of them on the computer. “I’m sorry, I can’t find either of those patients on our records. Are

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Fanfic time: Misfits part 68

Continued from yesterday:

  The police were taking his statement and Todd answered while watching Manny’s hands being cuffed behind his back. The man’s eyes were manic and glistening and he looked like he was muttering to himself. He was smiling. That alone scared the living shit out of Todd. But it was over now, he told himself. He was safe. The cops had him. 

  Todd folded his arms across his chest and wished Sara was next to him.

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Fanfic time: Misfits part 67

Trigger warning: This episode contains depictions of domestic violence and some epic nastiness.

Continued from yesterday:

  Manny had left him alone for a few minutes then forced Todd to sit at the kitchen table. The cell phone was in plain view. Obviously, Manny thought it was a dangling temptation but he didn’t figure Kenny grew up in the tenements. Todd had, and he knew that if he grabbed it and tried to dial for help, he’d be dead

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Fanfic time: Misfits part 66

Trigger warning: This episode contains a continuing abduction, and sundry nasty bits.

Continued from yesterday:

  Todd didn’t seem able to unfreeze himself, curled on his side in the trunk of Manny’s car. Even when he felt the undercarriage shake with the ignition turning, the panic only choked him further and clouded his brain. Think, yo, some small part of him was berating himself. Ain’t nobody can help you but yo own self, so fuckin’ do

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Fanfic time: Misfits part 65

Trigger warning: This episode contains a depiction of an abduction.

Continued from yesterday:

  Manny was livid. There were cops everywhere, he hadn’t felt this trapped since back in fucking jail - which he wasn’t going to again so help him God. If he left - which everything in his brain was suggesting he do *before* Kelly found out he’d been the one asking about Tolensky - he would never be able to get back in. Todd

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