Ugh My Life

A 2-post collection

Monday, Continuing Nonsense

Miss Chaos' first mission was a clusterfuck. She got to the 7-11 all right but had issues bringing the ice back. Someone there offered to help, but she misunderstood, handed him the milk crate, the ice, and the bungee cords and then took off for home.


We're going to have to get that kid a definite basket for her bike.

7-11 doesn't want to get involved, the police won't care. So my last hope is an appeal on Facebook.

I'm honestly more fussed about the milk crate than anything else. I can get another set of bungees at any given dollar shop [in fact, that's where the OG bungee came from]. The ice is... $5. You can't get a lot for $5. But the milk crate? That was a milk crate from the fucking 80's. They literally don't make them like that any more.

I don't expect anything, but I can at least put it out into the universe in hope. It is better to hope and get nothing than to give up on hope altogether.

Onwards to the rest of my regular stuff.


I'm not a happy camper, today.

The asthma attack that will not end is still not ending in a timely manner. After four runs on the nebuliser, yesterday and one this morning, I can feel something loosening up in the bronchii, but it's taking its sweet time shaking loose.

Meanwhile, I shake so much that something has to fall loose, but it isn't.

I'm changing approaches to editors again. Beloved says that working from a MarkDown copy is way easier than working

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