October 29th
Sahra was on the opposite side of the station to Ore Processing when it blew up.

October 29th
Sahra was on the opposite side of the station to Ore Processing when it blew up.
As of this very moment, I have exactly one hundred people who have downloaded Scavenger for their reading pleasure.
There’s only one thing to say:
Thank you everyone!
Question: would lowering my price of my other works to 99 cents help increase sales?
Read more »A little stand-alone work on the nature of reality and such. It may be my last short story for a bit, as I’m throwing myself at novels.
…and missing a lot…
Read more »The potentially stomach-twisting story of an old man and his dog…
Read more »Published and available for sale for a lousy $1.99 [coughbuymybookscough]
Previewable here.
Please buy my stuff. Writing is the only thing I can really do.
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