
A 1-post collection

Challenge #04211-K193: Repair and Restore

"Can... I ask a rude question?"

Of course little one.

"Why... are your eyes like that?"

Because I got very sick, and now I'm going to a special doctor who is going to make me well so I can see again.

"Okay, I'm going to a doctor too, we can both get treats!"

Sounds good little one, sounds very good. -- Anon Guest

"I wanna have a big cake," announced Dair. "I saw'd one made outta rainbows on the way in."

The grownup in the next chair nodded in agreement. "That sounds pretty awesome. I'd love to see a rainbow again. Why are you seeing the doctors here?"

"I got trouble on my insides that needs a doctor to untie. My bits tied into a big knot and I throw up all the time. I think it's called a high atticus her knee-ah. How'd you get sick and make your eyes go funny?"

"I caught measles," said the grownup.

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