
A 1-post collection

Challenge #04443-L059: Imitation of Power

Making a statement - what you choose to wear can say a Lot about how you think. -- Anon Guest

Clothing has had messages behind it since one person decided to do something a little different with their garments. Or, as it may be, their decorations. Who was the first to create style, and who was the first to begin fashion. All that is certain is that the young have been using it to annoy adults since before records became available.

It's entirely possible that the first message of clothing was, I'm in charge. Or at the very least, I have more than you. The mightier hunter wore a trophy from their most difficult kill, or the most dangerous animal. The spiritual advisor wore things that matched their eldritch responsibilities. And when Elves discovered control spells, there was a new way to say I'm in charge.

A band of gold around the head. A gem on a spire above the brow. A rather lot of runes on the inside and outside... and all the servants wearing bracelets or chokers linked to the world's first crowns. All the better to punish the disobedient. It didn't take long for the disobedient to figure it out.

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