
A 1-post collection

Challenge #04370-K352: Strangers in the Woods

A: "It's all natural!"

B: "So're arsenic and cyanide." -- Anon Guest

There are, in magical worlds, places where the people do not trust magic. They shun it, exile those with magic in their bones, and even watch those using sleight of hand with suspicious eyes. The threat of a noose, or a pyre, lurked within those hateful eyes.

They also mistrust anything new, anything from the outside, and anyone who doesn't look like them.

No matter what you do to improve a society, or a world, there's always pockets of resistance who believe that everything was better when it was all worse. You'd think it would be the Dragons or the Elves who are most like that, but... shockingly, it's the Humans. One of the species with the shortest lifespans likes to keep things the way they were when they were children.

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