
A 1-post collection

Challenge #04229-K211: Insect Swarm

Cats can get into trouble sometimes, and Lilbit was no exception to that. Poor cat upset a stinger's nest and got stung pretty badly tail and body. Fortunately, the kitty had Wraithvine, and Bibrid there to help, and gentle Gikka to hold her while she was being helped. -- Anon Guest

Even an immortal cat finds trouble before it's lost. For this little adventure, the famous feline had pounced after something rustling in the underbrush... and found more than she bargained for. The selfsame cat who had seen off a Dire Wolf some years prior, had now been bested by some of the smallest creatures in Alfarell.

The locals called them midge-bees, and left them alone because they knew what was good for them. They were the size of gnats and did not sting. They bit. Rather ferociously, as it turned out. Unfortunately for Lilbit.

She barrelled into camp, howling and yowling, as a cloud of mite-sized insects detached themselves from various parts of her body and fluff.

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