Imperfect Match

A 1-post collection

Challenge #04273-K255: The Unlikeliest Match

My father's was a faerie who used magic to grow to the size of a human. My mother is the sweet Hellkin who inspired him to do so. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Considering that Hellkin's origins centred around being biological weapons against Faekindred... this is going to be interesting]

Ma and Da aren't what you call a traditional love story. It's not like genetic mortal enemies get together and make a kid. There's like a thousand tawdry romances about a mortal falling in love with any given Faekindred... Elves, Wudzgaad, Brauniin, Gobelliin, even Faeries. There's fewer about Faekindred who falling in love with a mortal.

There's only one story I know about a Faerie falling in love with a Hellkin.

They're literally natural enemies. Nanogh and the Plane of Torment are opposites, and Hellkin exist because Humans needed an edge against Elves and the Faekindred ruling over them. Their story is the kind you might expect, being forced to work together or die. They got over their instincts and then another set of instincts kicked in. By all laws of nature, I should not exist.

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