Happy Holidays

A 4-post collection

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas, Chag Sameach [correct me if I'm wrong and, if you can, send me an audio file teaching me how to say it properly], and while we're at it, I'd like to know the appropriate greetings for Ramadan and Kwanzaa please. Inclusivity is important.

May the atheists have a fun Festivus, and anyone for whom this is not a day of feasting, insanity, and terrible arguments in the name of family togetherness - have a good day off.

And finally, for

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Happy Easter, everyone!

It's my morning habit to wake early, and this time, it's held me in good stead. I crept around the house like a thief in the pre-dawn light, delivering sugary goodness in the shape of bunnies and eggs.

Of course, Easter Sunday is a feast day. Which means that a majority of the family can indulge in all the carbage they could dream of. But just for the day.

Beloved has a rationable supply of chocolate, the lighter portions of which will

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