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Fairy Goodparents

A 3-post collection

Challenge #04215-K197: Counter-Measure Up

"DON'T attack the Fairy Good-Parent's planets. You won't like what happens."

They named themselves after a damn children's story, how strong can they be??

"Ok, but remember, I did warn you, sir."

Just shut up, you still owe me decades in debt!

"Yes sir."

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-04129-k111-spiralling-upwards -- Anon Guest

Planetary Respite, a wholly owned subsidiary of Fairy Goodparent Corporation, seemed to be on its eternal dance in the cosmos, unprotected. Like a luxurious gem waiting to be plucked from the black velvet of infinity. A luxury resort full of the undeserving poor.

And in CEO Magnifeek's mind, there was no such thing as deserving poor. If they deserved anything, they wouldn't be poor.

"Not even defended," he crowed. "Arm the canons... Full speed ahead to cordon the area." His staff obeyed. Of course they did. Disobedience meant immediate termination and seizure of property. These fools in the Alliance had no clue. Magnifeek had exactly three minutes to feel superior before the countermeasures engaged.

Stage one. Grapplers attached to asteroids latched on to any ship passing too fast nearby. Forcing the ship to use extra power in order to speed towards Respite. They had to re-engage their engines in order to combat the asteroids' inertia.

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Challenge #04129-K111: Spiralling Upwards

''There was only one problem.'''

'''"What do you mean the CRC is paying us Years per freed citizen?" Kaat yawped. "These guys are making it worse!"'''

They hit upon a wondrous idea to use all those funds the CRC was paying them to try to alleviate the burden of having too much Time. They found an uninhabited, fairly young and safe, planet, paid to have it in their name, made sure all refugees had a safe, comfortable, home and

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Challenge #03579-I290: Rewarded Benevolence

They'd lived most of their lives scratching up just enough Time to survive, even with the jobs they took on. Now they, and their beloved "fluffies" had incorporated because so much Time was rolling in by the decades they didn't know what to do with it. Then came the Idea! A charity, carefully disguised, siphoning time off to Dereggers who were struggling just to survive. Giving them a chance to escape the oppression they suffered.

It is from this. https://peakd.com/

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