
A 3-post collection

Challenge #04429-L045: Yes You Have To

What's a human to do when the researchers they're supposed to be protecting get so caught up in their work they lose all sense of danger? This is getting frustrating! Hey, all you, I know it's weird for the HUMAN to be saying this but... safety first for once?? -- Anon Guest

They say curiosity killed the cat. It also works on silly fluffy Havenworlders who are equal parts rambunctious kittens and Rikki Tikki Tavi[1]. Only without any teeth and claws to defend themselves.

That's my job. I'm the teeth and claws.

That said, it's not easy being the Expedition's Human to twenty curious little fluffballs all determined to go in every different direction they can think of. A better description of my job? Honestly? It's Team Parental.

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Challenge #04261-K243: Oh Hi There

History may not remember the names of the dead, but the stars will attest to their journeys. The first glimmer of light in the prolonged night often illuminates little, as it is fleeting and the darkness too vast. But, as long as something shines in the night sky, then when the first star falls countless more are sure to follow. -- Anon Guest

The unknown is always dark or foggy, at least when imagined by creatures who see. For those who orient

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Challenge #03258-H349: Have We Learned Something?

It was very late at night, it was hot, when their friend entered their quarters. Their friend had been told they were welcome any time. Yet again, the cooling systems had gone down and their friend couldn't sleep. Supplies, including spare parts, wouldn't be in until next week.

"You were right, the jury-rig didn't work. I thought I could just bodge it together to save us some time on spares that last supply run."

"Didn't work, did it?"

"Now what do we

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