Emergency Response

A 1-post collection

Challenge #04171-K153: Against All Odds

They were running with several of their friends toward the emergency escape vehicles away from a nasty, previously unknown, hazard on the planet.

Their friend starts to mention on how slim their chances are on escaping unscathed.

"Don't tell me the odds, just keep running, I always beat the odds!" -- Fighting Fit

Inspired desperation is one heck of a drug. When the chips are down, when it's do or die, incredible feats are possible.

So when the swarm burst forth from the forests without any warning, adrenaline was everyone's best friend and only recourse. At least until further analysis in a point of safety could reveal something better than running for their lives.

When it happened to Phlox and Gresh while they were setting up colonial habitats, there was certainly a desperate need. They were a long distance away from the nearest emergency escape pod. There was a moment in which both were trying to understand what was happening while the bug-out siren was sounding and the cloud was emerging from the plantlife.

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