
A 1-post collection

Challenge #04283-K265: A Start, An End

The burrow of kobolds found a nest of dragon eggs. The nest was still very warm, but the parent was not returning, as a cruel person that other humans were calling a "hero" had killed them. They took in these eggs to care for them, to raise them, those false "heroes" would not get their hands on these children, ever. Not if the borrow had anything to say of it! -- Anon Guest

Heroism is relative. For every victorious vanquisher of an 'evil' monster, there's a victim who left behind family and loved ones. For example, a mother who left behind a clutch of unhatched children.

The Hero got accolades for slaying the rampaging dragon, and hauling away as much treasure as he and his horse could drag back down the mountain. They made a statue of him, and some proclaimed him as a saint. But that's a different story.

This is the story of a nest, and the creatures who took in the foundlings there.

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