
A 2-post collection

Challenge #04340-K322: A Pound of Protection

The elderly grandmother asked for some of the very long locks from Wraithvine. There were many squares being added to the quilt. Long fur, hair from other elves not too proud to donate, plants turned into linen, silk squares from spider weavings, and from silkworms, etc. All of it blessed. Who was this blanket for? A set of quadruplets, two hellkin, one halloblood, one human, who were happily cuddled together in a large cradle, that their exhausted, smiling, mother lovingly rocked while the proud father bragged of his four beautiful children. -- Anon Guest

Elf hair grows very slowly. One inch every year. The length of it shows, traditionally, how long it's been since the Elf in question made an avoidable mistake. For one, it's merely a display of how long it's been since ze found a pair of shears for the purpose.

Wraithvine was washing and combing hir hair. The river flowed with hir long and glorious locks, for quite some distance. It was a good thing that ze had plenty of magic, or there would be no hope of combing it properly.

Ze was midway through the task when the old woman found hir. "Oh, it's all your hair," she said. "My pardon's for the interruption, but my daughter just had four, and they need every protection I can get." She showed Wraithvine the blanket in progress, which had something from every plausible creature known to ward infants from harm... and a few who were not known to do so. She had already gone to great lengths to make it, including seams to separate the thing once the children grew enough to have beds of their own.

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Challenge #03562-I273: A Gift, a Blessing, and a Visit

An individual politely asks Wraithvine if they would be willing to sell them a small lock of hir golden hair. Why? To turn it into a bracelet by braiding it and adding some shiny agates they'd found and shaped, and present it to their child as a 5th birthday present. Their child absolutely adored elves, and the family didn't have much money, but wanted to do something very special for the little one. -- Anon Guest

"Beggin' your pardon, yer honour," said

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