
A 1-post collection

Challenge #04233-K215: They Call it Faerie Farm

By their farm, a well-hidden place where the veil between Nanogh and their world had always been thin. The family, by tradition, not knowing who it was that aided them, at harvest season, always left out three jars of honey, and a large basket of freshly picked fruit. None have ever been stung by the hives, and when ill, despite being poor, none has ever been without medicine. -- The New Guy

The woods were sacred. Horrible things happened to anyone wandering into them with an axe. Any woodsmen attempting to ply their craft walk in... and are lucky to be found long after they perished. Yet, there was a little farm on the border. A little hut with just enough farmland to keep the little farm running.

Rin loved it, because it was home. Ze spent hir days caring for it, the creatures living on it, and the crops hir family grew. Ze spent hir nights being cared for by it. Eating the food that came from the land, being warmed by the fire from the wood ze gathered from the forest floor. Rin and hir family had done such since time immemorial. Including the little song or chant they recited while gathering wood.

"By thy leave, gather what we need... gift what we can, like ev'ry mortal man," Rin recited, collecting sticks into bundles. Tying them up with a simple cord. There was a basket hooked onto hir waist for forage. Another loop for any animals that found hir traps, not that those traps had anything in them this day. But there was a small bird in a large spider's web.

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